Pre-employment tests are used to determine the skills of job applicants. Some tests are based on job knowledge, while others focus on a candidate’s personality and ability to work with others. The most common types of tests include psychometric and IQ tests.

Reduces turnover

Pre-employment testing can reduce turnover by identifying candidates who match the requirements of a job. Companies can develop and administer these tests in-house or partner with a third-party company like Prometric. These services can help reduce turnover and improve employee retention. These services can help you select the best candidates, reduce costs, and build long-term assets.

In addition to reducing turnover, these tests can increase productivity and improve job satisfaction. Employees that are content with their jobs are more likely to complete their training. And that means improved productivity and bottom-line performance.

Reduces hiring bias

Pre-employment testing is an essential element of an efficient recruitment process. It can reduce hiring bias and ensure a more inclusive workplace. Research shows that discrimination in the hiring process can negatively affect the morale of a company. A recent study found that 68% of employees experienced a decrease in happiness and productivity after they were discriminated against. Recruiters should use a blind resume review and pre-screening interviews to minimize hiring bias. This way, they will be able to assess candidates based on their qualifications and skills rather than their names.

Using scientifically validated assessments to assess candidates can help companies identify the best employees for a specific role. These tests are reliable and free of human bias. It ensures that hiring decision-makers see only the best candidates and provide equal ground for all applicants. Another way to reduce hiring bias is to use a digital recruitment system that streamlines applicant data and utilizes scorecards to assess candidates. Using a pre-employment testing system also allows companies to cover various skills, such as interpersonal skills.

Improves hiring

Pre-employment testing is an invaluable tool for companies that want to improve their hiring process and eliminate unconscious bias. It allows hiring managers to identify the best candidates, eradicate unqualified candidates, and save time. By conducting standardized tests, hiring managers can reduce the hours spent on the hiring process and the cost per hire.

Pre-employment testing provides objective data about a candidate’s skills, behavior, and motivation. Many studies show that companies that use employee testing are more likely to hire better employees.

Breaks anti-discrimination laws

While pre-employment testing is standard for most employers, a recent lawsuit against a discount retailer found that it violated anti-discrimination laws. The company used psychometric tests to screen applicants for mental and physical conditions unrelated to their employment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission brought the lawsuit and won.

The ADEA, ADA, and CRA define an employer as a business with 20 or more employees. Small companies, however, do not fall within this definition. They can still use pre-employment testing to screen applicants for appropriateness as long as the questions are relevant to the type of job they are applying. However, questions about criminal records, including pardoned offenses, arrest records, and jail time, are illegal.

Helps attract talented candidates

Pre-employment testing can help you complete the task more quickly and efficiently, whether hiring a new person or trying to fill a hole in your present staff. These assessments provide objective data on candidates’ skills, personalities, and motivation. Studies show that companies that use pre-employment testing make more productive hires. They can also reduce hiring bias by adding objective data on candidates to the hiring team.

While most resumes exaggerate their credentials for the job, assessment tests are designed specifically for your position. Pre-employment testing saves time during the selection process and reduces turnover after hiring. It evaluates candidate characteristics such as stress tolerance, emotional resilience, analytic thinking, problem-solving abilities, and more. It also helps you only hire people who are suited for the position.

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